There are many opportunities to support the restoration project.
Donations of any amount
Sponsorship of an entire window for $55,000
Mutliple families can sponsor a window together
Pledge to donate over the course of the project, adapting to your budget
There will be recognition of donors online or in print. If we exceed the fundraising goal an endowment will be started to maintain our historic church.
Preserve Beauty
These windows have graced our church for 110 years during times of joy and sadness. They have seen our children baptized and our elders mourned. Their depictions lift our hearts and teach our young. They are as indispensable to our parish as the brick and mortar of the walls they grace...and they need our help!
Most Holy Trinity Catholic Church contains a magnificent collection of narrative style stained glass windows; produced by Mayer of Munich, Germany.
Mayer of Munich has produced beautiful narrative stained glass for over 170 years. The studio was especially popular during the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, and was principal provider of stained glass to large Roman Catholic churches that were constructed throughout the world during that period. Mayer of Munich were stained glass artists to the Holy See and consequently were popular with Roman Catholic clients.
The level of hand-painted detail within our stained glass windows is extraordinary! Windows of this caliber are not obtainable by most churches today due to budget constraints. Each of our many stained glass windows is a treasure of artistic composition and fine craftmanship.
These stained glass windows have graced our church for 110 years during times of joy and sadness. They have seen our children baptized and our elders mourned. Their depictions lift our hearts and teach our young. They are as indispensable to our parish as the brick and mortar of the walls they grace.
They are treasured... and they need our help!